Fittings manufactured by „Orudica 2000" Ltd., Elhovo are designed for use in repairs of drinking water-supply systems managed by the Water-supply and sewerage companies in the country.
See the complete catalogue of the fitting parts

1. Flanged joints /FJ/ - BDS 3593-78
Flanged joints (FJ) are designed to connect asbestos-cement pipes of water-supply systems with flanged fittings for nominal pressures - РN 0.6, 1.0 and 1.6 МРа.

2. Steel transition flanges - BDS 3280-85
Steel transition flanges welded to water pipe for nominal pressure РN 0.6, 1.0, and 1.6 МРа.

3. Steel blind/end flanges - BDS 3418-73
Steel blind/end flanges are designed for water pipings, nominal pressure РN 0.6, 1.0, and 1.6 МРа.

4. Gibault joints BDS 3591-79
Gibault joint is designed for connecting asbestos-cement water piping for nominal pressures - РN 0.6, 1.0 and 1.6 МРа.

5. Gibault joints - transition from cement-asbestos to polyethylene pipes according to manufacturer's technical specification
Gibault joint is designed for connecting waterpiping of asbestos-cement to polyethylene pipes for nominal pressure РN- 1.0 МРа.

6. Gibault joints for PVC (PE-HD) pipes.
Gibault joint is designed for connecting waterpiping of PVC (PE-HD) pipes for nominal pressures - РN 0.6, 1.0 МРа.

7. Clamp saddle, threaded - BDS 4796-79
Threaded clamp saddle is used for branching of asbestos-cement pipelines.
See the complete catalogue of the manufactured fitting parts